So I was having a great day on the train trip (I will tell you about that), after some blue days I was having lately and I got back home to find this huge box waiting for me.
OMG, I said. It's my Secret Spring Fairy. And I recognized the sticker and the handwriting on it.
It was nonetheless, my favorite Etsy seller of all times,
She wasn't a fairy, she was a super generous amazing fairy! You wont believe what I got!!
Everything was so nicely wrapped, and sorry, opened everything first and took the photos later, it was getting dark when I opened it.
When I read her note, I knew something amazing was coming up. Just couldn't even imagine how amazing it was..

She sent me 4 (!!!)
sets of 6 cards. One is gone, since I'm planning to share them with my friends, and send the rest of these by snail mail :)
That cute coral brooch is the most amazing brooch I ever owned. Seriously. I adore it!
She has an amazing collaboration with LilaRubyKing, go
check it out.
She also sent me chocolates, and I ate some already and gave one to a friend.

Here's a closeup of the amazing brooch I got.
Mitsy and Anna have some
similar jewelry on LilaRubyKing's shop.
I would be super happy with these gifts, but if you knew Mitsy, you'd know that she doesn't know how to stop!

A set of
three babushka magnets (cute cute cute!)
A Felt birdHappy girls! (I just gave one to a friend, I feel I must share them)
A cute pin with one of her Feelings

Oh how I love these.
These are super amazing. They're
herb tags! Not sure it's how it's called, but I always wanted an herb "garden" and these are the perfect reason to start one!

And.. the Belgium Beer. This is a private "joke" we have between us and I'm saving it to celebrate some exciting news I have to share with you soon!
But then.. I saw a green package and I knew. I just knew what it was.
Courage. This just gave me goosebumps all over my skin.
Mitsy gave me Hurt when we first met in Aveiro, last October, and this one was my second favorite.
She gave me courage. Oh and how I need it!

Here it is, next to his cousin
I couldn't be more happy with my Spring Fairy. She really outdone herself and I'm so touched by her package. She's an amazing person, I tell you!
Go check her
shop, her
blog and follow her on
twitter too.
Thank you Mitsy! You made my.. year! And thank you
Judit (our awesome swap organizer) for pairing me with her!