It was a coincidence.
I opened my blog to start writing about another of my favorite Etsy sellers, and then opened her blog, only to find out that yesterday was her etsy anniversary!
How perfect timing!
So today I'm writing a little bit about one of my favorite etsy sellers,

Her name is Mitsy and she's a fellow European who lives in Hasselt, Belgium with her Dutch partner.
Besides writing in a perfect English (unlike myself, and I'm sure she'll find a lot of mistakes in this post, lol), I found out Mitsy speaks a little bit of Spanish, French, Dutch, and.. if she tries really really hard, she can understand some of my Portuguese writing!!! Amazing, right?

Mitsy works with paper, clay and felt.
I must say, my favorites are her feeling babushkas (click on the images). If I ever win the lottery, I'll buy 50 of them. Or perhaps 100, since I'm so emotional and have a lot of different feelings all the time :)
ArtMind was the one who invited me to the fabulous
European Street Team. She was the one who put me in beautiful treasuries that reached the Etsy front page.
I never met her in person, but she seems a sweet, generous, talented, big-hearted person from this side of the computer.
And I want you to go and check her out, if you haven't already.
You try her
blog, her
flickr account, her
devianart account, stalk her on
twitter and don't forget to stop by the
Etsy store, of course!